Nigerian American Business forum features young entrepreneur

Award-winning technologistAde Abayomi Olufeko also known as Feks, continues to be invited by policy makers and private institutions in the African diaspora around the world. 

He recently received the 2018 NABF "Young entrepreneur achievement award" in Tampa Florida, United States. He addressed and audience of 200 strong entrepreneurs and professionals of different background on situational ethics and the need for more empathy through action in Nigeria. He also advocated for women entrepreneurship and the youth.

His award was presented by the forum's CEO Kenneth Kunle Shobola, elder statesman and senior politician Mohammed Shaaba Lafiagi, and Nigerian-British Business Forum head Afolabi Andu.

He shared the podium with juggernauts in attendance such as; Mohammed Shaaba Lafiagi, Ben Murray-Bruce, president aspirant Fela Durotoye, Former governor Peter Obi, Media pioneer Biodun Shobanjo and other subject matter experts providing dynamic frameworks for change.

Mr Ade Olufeko whose fieldwork over the past decade build Visual Collaborative will be talking to the public at the upcoming Africa Business Conference at Georgetown University in Washington DC on February 3rd 2018.


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