142 million mobile line in Nigeria as at November 2017 - NCC

 The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) says the number of active mobile phone lines in the country has risen to 142 million as at November, 2017 from 140 million in October. The figure shows an increase of 1, 550.022 lines. NCC disclosed this in its monthly Subscriber Operator Date posted on its website. The commission said that the active lines moved to 141, 900.405 compared to 140,350.383 in October 2017.
The Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) still had 217,566 users in November as recorded in October. The report said that the number of fixed wired/wireless in November was 137,190 against 137,216 in October, a decrease of 26 lines.

According to NCC, the number of Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) was 64, 949 in November while it was 61,488 in October, an increase of 3,461. Teledensity for November was101.66 against 100.55 recorded in October. Teledensity is the number of telephone connections for every 100 individuals living within an area.  It varies widely across the nation.

“The number of connected mobile lines in November 2017 rose to 237,010.282 compared to 236,714,473 in October, an increase of 2, 958.09. “The Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) for connected lines for November 2017 was 3,586,095 same with October,” it said.

The report said that the number of fixed wired/wireless for connected lines in November was 342,792 compared to 342,641 in October, an increase of 151. Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) for connected lines in November was 239.091, while October had 226,254, an increase of 12,837. 


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