The people have won again. Yes, Iranians voted on Friday, May the 19th 2017  spoke with one voice, and that person is, wait for it, the incumbent President Hassan Rouhani. 

This may surprise many but this man had and sure still has everything going for him, despite the fact that Ebrahim Raisi is a close associate of Supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khameni. For instance, incumbents have always won their second term since the mid 80’s. Secondly, he is a moderate cleric and appeals to the young and old alike. Third, he obtained a deal with the West. Further bridging the East-West gap. Under him sweeping economic reforms where introduced and new trade partnerships brought to the nation is definitely a forth which aided his profile amongst many voters.

These feats are evident in the results. Rouhani won 22.8 million votes in Friday's hard-fought contest, compared to 15.5 million for Raisi, with 38.9 million votes counted, the Interior Ministry said, adding more votes were still to be tallied. Meanwhile, the State broadcaster has already congratulated Rouhani.

The people have spoken.
