If you check your phone every hour, then your a phone addict. Ask Gallop for proof.

Merriam - websater defines addiction as compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance  characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal.
 Considering this definition then many American are addicted to their smartphones, disagree? Well, a survey released by Gallup on Thursday states this fact.
According to Reuters, eleven percent of respondents says they check their smartphone every few minutes and 41 percent insist they check theirs few times an hour,in the Gallup report. Another 20 percent adds that they check their mobiles about once an hour and 28 percent check less frequently.

The Gallup survey included responses online or through the mail from 15,747 U.S. adults who own smartphones in all 50 states from April 17 to May 18. It had a 1 percent margin of error.That gives a fairly high percent rate of accuracy.

The report did not address how respondents are using their smartphones, whether for email, texting, the Internet, etc.Young Americans checked their smartphones most frequently, in the survey Gallup.  Twenty-two percent of respondents from 18 to 29 years of age say they checked their smartphones every few minutes, compared to 3 percent of people 65 or older.

More than four out of five owners, 81 percent, says they keep their smartphone nearby almost all the time while they are awake and 63 percent adds that they keep their phone near them even while sleeping.

Gallup says the close proximity at night may be for people checking it before going to sleep and upon waking, or may reflect the phone's use as an alarm clock.
- Reuters
